Our Strategies

Focus on our strength

To achieve our ambition, we are focusing on the areas where we have distinctive capabilities. This pillar of our strategy outlines where we are prioritizing our efforts and investing for the future.

  1.  Invest at scale domestically where RKD Holdings opportunity is greatest.
  2.  Become a market leader with particular focus on real estate and tourism.
Digitize at scale

As people lead increasingly digital lives, this pillar of our strategy outlines how we are delivering faster, easier and more secure services.

  1. Create and deliver fast, easy, digital customer experiences
  2. Partner with technology innovators to enable new customer benefits
Energize for growth

This pillar of our strategy outlines how we are energizing around growth. We want to:

  1. Inspire a dynamic culture where the best want to work
  2. Be a simpler, more agile and effective organization